Raynor Massage Therapy

Raynor Naturopathic Massage

Raynor Naturopathic Massage is a holistic system of bodywork developed by Naturopath Brandon Raynor. Its origins are in Ayurvedic Massage, Chinese Medicine, Lomi Lomi, reflexology, Shiatsu and yoga breathe work.However, Raynor Massage integrated and evolved these techniques to fit in with it’s simply philosophy of finding every bit of tension in the body and get rid of it.Raynor Massage is not performed as a routine massage.The body is one holistic organism and dealing with one part in isolation is not as effective as dealing with the whole person.

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One part of the body may be tight but that area is being held tight by another area, which could then also be held tight by another area again. A blockage or disruption in the flow of chi or prana will cause an area of the phisycal body to become tight, blocked or forced out of position in the case of the bones. Certain extremely important parts of the body that are often neglected by traditional massage therapists, such as the abdomen, the sacrum, the hips, feet, hands and head, tend to hold a lot of stagnation and blockage of the life force and freeing them up will generally have a great benefit not just to the areas concerned but to the whole being.

For some people good massage may be very uncomfortable if they aren’t used to it, but then as their healing crisis finishes their body should feel a lot better, have more mobility and a general feeling of being more relaxed should ensue. The word “relax” actually means to bring back to a state of looseness. “Re” means to bring back to and “lax” means loose. So Raynor massage is actually a form of deep relaxation massage.

  • anxiety & depression
  • muscular aches & pains
  • stress& insomnia
  • tension headaches
  • improves circulation
  • joint range of motion & flexibility and lots lots more…
