Massage That Helps

Massage That Helps

The primary goal of massage that helps is to find the tension in the body and get rid of it. Using techniques from Sports, deep tissue, swedish, shiatsu, ayurvedic, lomi lomi, reflexology, chinese medicine, yoga breath work. Most tension exists along bands in the body that are composed of muscles, tendons, ligaments and other body tissues.

Many parts of the body that are often neglected by traditional massage therapists, such as the abdomen, sacrum, hips, feet, hands and head hold a lot of stagnation and blockage of the life force and freeing them up will generally have a great benefit not just to the areas concerned but to the whole being. As practitioners, our backgrounds, training and working experiences do make our individual ways of working quite different. When you couple this with the varying shapes and sizes of clients, their own tolerance levels and their differing requirements, treatments can alter tremendously.


This can include the standard ‘massage’ techniques, stroking through muscles groups or picking specific muscles out and creating movement within them in different directions or at varying depths and strengths. It could also be the isolation of a muscle or muscle groups and stretching them in any number of ways with client participation, passive/subtle movements along the muscle body or indeed deep into specific areas as deemed appropriate. Working into specific areas concentrating efforts to break down tensions or ‘adhesions’ may be required or separating the layers of connective tissue may be the key to remedy the situation in hand. When looking at and treating the injury or symptoms, root causes are also carefully considered and this may lead the treatment into other areas around the body. Some of these areas may seem quite a strange to work on to begin with given the case scenario and therefore advising the client is always something that I try to achieve in the most simplistic, understandable way.

If there is pain or discomfort, loss of mobility or restriction of movement we, as soft tissue specialists, can treat and hopefully cure. If there is a sporting activity or a training schedule being followed regular treatments can enhance performance and an ongoing relationship with the practitioner can only make this even more effective. Similarly our everyday working lives and lifestyles create the same set of problems and these, in the same way, can also be treated successfully.

I treat males, females the young and old following a code of conduct and etiquette. For minors, parental consent and presence are required at all times and if required a chaperone is allowed to accompany a client. Clients need to feel comfortable and confident in the professionalism, manner and ability of the practitioner and simple communication is key. Giving a good massage is not only learning the techniques but an Art. So is to be  able to receive it. Some clients will learn and improve with time how to make the most of  their massage others have a natural ability to relax and receive. The more you are able to relax your body, the more you will achieve from your treatment.
